Wednesday, March 7, 2012

365 Days of Twinipedia - Day 80

Day Eighty of Twinipedia:

Fact #80
Honestly, there are very few things that really give me serious anxiety.  Really!  It takes a lot to shack me up.  But to name a few, I would say the fear of loosing a child gives me total anxiety and the fear of loosing my husband is not something I ever want to think about.  
But another fear that sends me into "need Valium" mode is the idea of loosing my twin sister.  We both always say we want to "go" first since we don't want to be the twin left behind.  I can't even deal with her being in a different country and time zone.  Let alone her being unreachable and out of my life forever.  Just typing this is turning my stomach since the words just make it seem more possible.  
So many other twins feel this same way and many who have lost a twin sibling have described that lose as life changing and a life-lose that they are never able to get over.  
One group of twins who lost their twin sibling started a support group for "twinless twins".  They needed the support and wanted to give the support to other twinless twins like themselves.  
I thought I would share the information with you today.  Becca and I both hope you or someone you love will ever need this support group information but we believe that if it ever came to be, the information would be an important resource.  
Many twins, including us until recently, do not know this support group even exists so sharing today on twinipedia seems like appropriate twinipedia information and hope that it can help others.

Twinless Twins Support Group  International 

Helping with GRIEF, HEALING, SUPPORT, GUIDANCE and much more!

Welcome to a unique support group that helps twinless twins "heal by helping" other twins.
We provide support for twins and other multiples who have lost their twin due to death or estrangement at any age. The unique
aloneness we feel can best be understood by another twinless twin.  
You are not alone

Twinless Twins, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Consider making a donation in your twin's memory to keep our support and services available in the future... support twins in need. 

AND Make Plans Now for the 2012 Twinless Twins Conference!
2012 Columbus, OH Conference
July 12, 13 and 14

"The conference was a turning point in my grief. This is the only group of people on the planet who understand. The Twinless Twins Conference is a life-changing event."
"Nobody understood when I said how "alone" I felt or expressed that I didn't know how to be one."

Members of this group are invited to submit articles for publication consideration in the Twinless Times Magazine.

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