Twin Tub Time - We think it is Becca on the right and Cathy on the left but we may have to check with the "tell-the-difference-between-the-twins" expert - aka MOM. |
Becca Solo Post:
Hi All!
So this is my first solo entry. Cathy is definitely the one who adds the creative spins and laugh-out-loud touches to these posts but I am hoping this is at least pleasant to read :):)
Anyone who knows a set of twins knows that even though we can look so similar, we are often very different creatures from one another on the inside. In our case, my sister is a creative, funny person and a proliferate writer while me on the other hand, I am a bit more introverted and quiet and definitely would not call myself creative. Although I must admit that I can be pulled out of my shell instantly when my twin sister is around. It's the comfort I guess. I must admit though that there are guaranteed times in my life when my introverted-ness and more reserved side gets "checked at the door". And these times occur Always when the comfort, safety or happiness of my twin is threatened in some way. As we have written previously, the bond and love between twins is like no other bond. I have been living in Europe now for a year and although I miss my sister more than anything, I know she is always there for me, no matter the distance, and that the relationship we have is unchangeable.
So tonight, one of those moments occurred were my reserved side went out the window. A typical scenario unfolded in my house. Cathy called and I was putting my two year old to bed. Ken, my husband, answered Cathy's call. He was putting our older daughter to bed and was somewhat distracted by the bedtime process. Now Ken is a gem, but occasionally he has the phone etiquette of a troll. So I hear him talking to Cathy with the half-ass energy I often hear him giving off while on the phone. So of course, I go into "defend my twin mode" instantly (my reserved side thrown out the 4th story window) and I come bolting into the living room. I whisper...with the intensity of a scream, "be nice to my sister or I will knock you out.".
Now folks, don't be alarmed, I have no plans to clobber my husband with a broom handle, but I will tell you...if your mean to my sister , or in this case, simply don't make an effort with her, you're going down. It is just an instinctive response and a feeling that has always existed between us. Husband, boyfriend, friends, children...They have all learned early on in our relationships with them not to mess with our Twin or they will "feel the wrath!"
Its funny too, the way we defend each other. Cathy will always say to my kids, "Hey, don't talk to my sister that way or else", or " That's your mother, don't talk to her that way". Then there was middle school. Whatever girl wanted to meet us "out back after school" for a little rumble (and there plenty of moments like this), always found out soon enough that we'd always be there for one anothers backup and that they were rumbling with two, not one. The irony with this though was that at home, we'd kick the living you-know-what out of each other ourselves for something as ridiculous as who got to use the sapphire blue eye liner first (it was the 80's you know) or the non-clumped mascara. I remember once getting into such a crazy fight that blood was drawn and hairdryers and hairspray cans were launched at each other. It was intense. Cathy even hit a wall when I ducked from her incoming punch (she still has a scar on her hand as proof of this brawl). But when it came down to it, no one messed with our twin sister (well except for the other twin sister of course LOL).
And there is that "thing" with twins. No matter how angry we get with one another, it really means nothing to us, 'casue in the end we'll always be there for one other. Parents of twins have it hard in many ways but this trait of twin-ness should be a relief to them. Across the board, most twins truly do forgive and forget quickly when it comes to each other so parents of twins shouldn't feel to worried if their twins fight a lot early on 'cause in the end, it usually means nothing to the twin themselves. And these parents shouldn't feel so strong a need to step-in during those "twin fights". The pair will surely work it out (even if a little blood is drawn before it is all said and done- LOL). They will surely still love each other as the bloody mess is cleaned up.
My greatest nightmare in life is that something terrible could happen to my children (I really do have night terrors about this), but my next biggest fear would have to be the thought of something terrible happening to my twin. She is always in my mind, in my thoughts, part of my plans, and dreams. I am her and she is me. It is no doubt cheesy to hear, but is simply true. It wouldn't be a life without her.
So there!.. a bit light, a bit heavy...whatever you want to call it. All I can say is, having my sister for her advice with kids or just to simply blather with all the time is so important, there aren't words...so I will leave it at that.