Twins and Halloween -
We often wonder on Halloween each year how Twins throughout our Country experience Halloween.
Our experience on Halloween was that we were rarely dressed in a matching or "Duo- type" costume. We usually had very different ideas of what we wanted to be when we were old enough to decide what we wanted to be. Plus our family did not have a lot of extra money back then to spend on costumes so our outfits were often handmade or hand-me-downs from our older sister and brother. The hand-me-downs were often our costumes-of-choice since they tended to be store bought and we considered that way cooler than handmade get-ups. The outfits were often gender driven characters too since we had a brother and a sister so one of us inevitably would end up something like a girlish butterfly, a princess or a ladybug and the other one of us would end up dressed as a more boyish skeleton, super-hero or baseball player.
We never really worried about the hand-me-down status either. Plus, the choice of what costume we would wear seemed so unimportant to us then since all we had on our minds was the "candy at the end of the tunnel".
We loved Halloween and can't actually remember ever being dressed alike. Which in retrospect seems a little strange but that was just our reality as the 3rd and 4th kiddos in a middle-class family.
How do you celebrate Halloween with your Twinkies? Do you always dress them alike or as a "duo/combo" of some kind?
Or do you switch it up and create unique looks for each child?
Or do you do the "dress-alike" or "different-thing" until they can decide for themselves?
We'd love to hear how you decide what fun or crazy, fancy or scary costumes your twins wear each year.
Cathy and Becca
Astronaut Wanna-Be's way back in the day.
Twin moms sharing about their lives as twins, their lives as twin moms who are raising 5 tots of their own, and sharing all things twin-ish! Cathy is a Mom of 3 girls. An M.ED turned Researcher @Brown University. Teacher. Syracuse Graduate. Avid Skier. Reader. Sailor. Becca is a SAHM with 2 girls. Lives in Europe. Certified Midwife. Avid traveler. Loves learning new languages & speaks 3.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The new "IT" necklace: Scrabble-Piece Charms for Moms of Multiples and More from Etsy!
We have seen some pretty fashionable ladies lately sporting these fun Scrabble-Piece Charm Necklaces. One of my neighbors has one and I just love how fun, unique and modern it is. Plus the whole up-cycling, re-use idea is way-cool! These creators use the non-letter side to display all different kinds of images and sayings although the charm can be worn with either side facing up. They are a great size for any neck and they can be worn on chains, ribbons, and cords. They look so chic, whimsical and unique. Check out some of the fun ones we found recently on for moms and dads of multiples. Plus we have included some other artsy, fun styles for you to check out. There are so many unique ideas to choose from. Take a look. WE JUST LOVE THESE and will be getting some ourselves "For-Shizzle"!
Note that some of the pieces we added here for viewing are not actual Scrabble pieces but they share the same style design and look. We loved their "feel" too and thought they were nice options to share as well.
BellyCharms -
macymo -
Note that some of the pieces we added here for viewing are not actual Scrabble pieces but they share the same style design and look. We loved their "feel" too and thought they were nice options to share as well.
Some of the Etsy shops I found these charms in:
BellyCharms -
macymo -
Monday, October 24, 2011
A Way You Can Honor Steve Jobs' Life!!
"The passing of technology industry icon Steve Jobs on October 5 reminded the world once again of how deadly a disease pancreatic cancer is. Legislation is pending in Congress though that can potentially change the status quo for this disease: the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act (S. 362/H.R. 733). This bill would compel the National Cancer Institute to develop a long-term and comprehensive strategic plan to make progress in fighting this silent killer."
Dear friends of Twins With Tots - This cause means a lot to our family and friends and so we hope you will take a moment to help us support the fight for more funding for Pancreatic Cancer Research. See below for more details and
Thanks so much ~
Cathy and Becca
Via Pancreatic Cancer Action Network:
To pass this bill, we need your help. Please join thousands of others from around the country by participating in our national "Dial Congress For Progress Day" TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 25. With just a couple quick calls to your members of Congress who have not yet co-sponsored the bill, you can help us deliver a unified and clear message to Congress: Co-sponsor S. 362/H.R. 733 today! By clicking on the button below, you will have access to who you should call, the phone numbers, and what you should say.
These phone calls should take no more than 10 minutes of your time, but will make an enormous difference in helping us to pass this bill. Please be sure to make your calls tomorrow, between the hours of 9am and 5pm Eastern Time and to fill out the feedback form (located below the talking points) to let us know how your calls went. Once you complete the feedback form, we will enter your name into a drawing for a $75 gift certificate to our Shop Purple store.
Current Co-Sponsor Count for the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act:
in the U.S. House of Representatives (HR 733) - 165
(including our lead sponsors, Rep. Anna Eshoo & Rep. Leonard Lance)
Click HERE for the full co-sponsor list
in the U.S. Senate (S. 362) 33
(including our lead sponsor, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse)
Click HERE for the full co-sponsor list to see if YOUR member has joined us!
While tomorrow is the big day, you can take action right now to double your impact. Send a message to your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and ask them to co-sponsor the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act. If they have already co-sponsored the bill, thank them for their support.
Please make a note now to call your members of Congress tomorrow and ask your friends and family to join you in this effort! Consider posting a message to Facebook or Twitter letting people know that tomorrow is Pancreatic Cancer Dial Congress For Progress Day. Your calls and emails will go a long way toward us reaching our goal of securing half of the House and Senate as co-sponsors of S. 362/H.R. 733.
It's time we make sure that those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have real and effective treatment options and that our elected officials help us Know It, Fight It and End It!"
Sincerely, Megan Gordon Don and Julie Fleshman
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Dear friends of Twins With Tots - This cause means a lot to our family and friends and so we hope you will take a moment to help us support the fight for more funding for Pancreatic Cancer Research. See below for more details and
Thanks so much ~
Cathy and Becca
Via Pancreatic Cancer Action Network:
To pass this bill, we need your help. Please join thousands of others from around the country by participating in our national "Dial Congress For Progress Day" TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 25. With just a couple quick calls to your members of Congress who have not yet co-sponsored the bill, you can help us deliver a unified and clear message to Congress: Co-sponsor S. 362/H.R. 733 today! By clicking on the button below, you will have access to who you should call, the phone numbers, and what you should say.
These phone calls should take no more than 10 minutes of your time, but will make an enormous difference in helping us to pass this bill. Please be sure to make your calls tomorrow, between the hours of 9am and 5pm Eastern Time and to fill out the feedback form (located below the talking points) to let us know how your calls went. Once you complete the feedback form, we will enter your name into a drawing for a $75 gift certificate to our Shop Purple store.
Current Co-Sponsor Count for the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act:
in the U.S. House of Representatives (HR 733) - 165
(including our lead sponsors, Rep. Anna Eshoo & Rep. Leonard Lance)
Click HERE for the full co-sponsor list
in the U.S. Senate (S. 362) 33
(including our lead sponsor, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse)
Click HERE for the full co-sponsor list to see if YOUR member has joined us!
While tomorrow is the big day, you can take action right now to double your impact. Send a message to your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative and ask them to co-sponsor the Pancreatic Cancer Research & Education Act. If they have already co-sponsored the bill, thank them for their support.
Please make a note now to call your members of Congress tomorrow and ask your friends and family to join you in this effort! Consider posting a message to Facebook or Twitter letting people know that tomorrow is Pancreatic Cancer Dial Congress For Progress Day. Your calls and emails will go a long way toward us reaching our goal of securing half of the House and Senate as co-sponsors of S. 362/H.R. 733.
It's time we make sure that those diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have real and effective treatment options and that our elected officials help us Know It, Fight It and End It!"
Sincerely, Megan Gordon Don and Julie Fleshman
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
TYPE OF PANCREATIC CANCER STEVE JOBS FOUGHT FOR 7 YEARS Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors Islet Cell Tumors • Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors, also called islet cell tumors, are rare tumors that form from the hormone-producing cells in the pancreas called islet cells. • Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors account for less than 5% of all pancreatic tumors. They tend to grow slower than the most common type of pancreatic cancer called adenocarcinoma. • Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors are either functional, which means that they cause overproduction of hormones, or nonfunctional (produce no hormones). Most functional neuroendocrine tumors are benign. However, approximately 90% of nonfunctional neuroendocrine tumors are cancerous. • The overall average five-year survival rate for patients with pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors is 42%, ranging from 24% to 87%.* • According to a population-based study, the average life expectancy after diagnosis with a metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor, which means that the cancer has spread, is 23 months. ** • Symptoms vary depending on the type of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor. Functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors may cause the pancreas to overproduce certain hormones, such as insulin or glucagon. High hormone levels in the blood results in symptoms including weight loss, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness and skin rash. Nonfunctional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors do not overproduce pancreatic hormones. They are generally detected because of pain or jaundice caused by the large size of the tumor. Treatment options for pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer are somewhat limited. Surgical removal of the tumor is a common treatment. Some patients may benefit from chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation and/or hormonal therapy. At this time, there isn’t a standard of care, or standard treatment,for pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer. Two targeted therapy drugs, Afinitor® (everolimus) and Sutent® (sunitinib), were recently approved by the U.S. FDA to treat advanced pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and may be beneficial for some patients. Clinical trials are an option for obtaining treatments that are on the leading edge of medicine. Several therapies are currently being tested for the treatment of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in clinical trials. via - Pancreatic Cancer Action Network |
Friday, October 21, 2011
Twins: Do we share the same sayings and accents?
The Accent/Saying Test...
We took an accent test today to see if we say words the same or refer to things in our worlds the same. I saw this test on line and they were comparing people from around the US and how their accents differ. It made me think it would be fun to compare our accents to see if we shared the same way of saying things since we are twins and grew up in the same household and environment.
I shot a video of myself 1st and then videoed Becca doing the same thing over Skype. She had no clue what I was doing and thinks I am totally insane but it was fun to watch her and all the annoyance I was causing...BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Here are the videos...
I think when you line up the videos as best you can while we are talking, we sound a whole lot alike and say most of the words exactly the same. I saw a little difference in the way we said the words theatre and New Orleans. Plus I called the toilet-papering game TP'ing while she called it toilet-papering. But other than that I did not hear much difference...
What do you think? Any differences that jumped out at you?
What did you expect would happen?
Please share your thoughts with us...we love your input and feedback!
Thanks all ~
Cathy and Becca
We took an accent test today to see if we say words the same or refer to things in our worlds the same. I saw this test on line and they were comparing people from around the US and how their accents differ. It made me think it would be fun to compare our accents to see if we shared the same way of saying things since we are twins and grew up in the same household and environment.
I shot a video of myself 1st and then videoed Becca doing the same thing over Skype. She had no clue what I was doing and thinks I am totally insane but it was fun to watch her and all the annoyance I was causing...BAHAHAHAHAHA!
Here are the videos...
I think when you line up the videos as best you can while we are talking, we sound a whole lot alike and say most of the words exactly the same. I saw a little difference in the way we said the words theatre and New Orleans. Plus I called the toilet-papering game TP'ing while she called it toilet-papering. But other than that I did not hear much difference...
What do you think? Any differences that jumped out at you?
What did you expect would happen?
Please share your thoughts with us...we love your input and feedback!
Thanks all ~
Cathy and Becca
Friday, October 14, 2011
Video: Being called "THE TWINS". Asserting Individuality as Twins
Video - Being called "THE TWINS"
Parents of twins: How do you feel about your twins being called "THE TWINS"?
Twins: Do you mind being referred to as "THE TWINS?"
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Video - Twin Sisters Find Out Whether They Are Identical or Fraternal Twins
We just recently wrote a post about twins and genetic testing ( We video chatted and wrote about whether we would ever consider getting genetic testing done to prove or disprove the belief that we are Fraternal twins.
While looking into this topic online, I came across these twin sisters who had decided for their 18th birthday to find out if they were actually Fraternal or Identical twins.
They decided to do what we have been considering for years. The reading of their results was captured on video by their smart mom and was so exciting for us to watch.
Their reaction is priceless and Sooo defines how a twin feels about their twin.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT and we are so happy that these girls clearly got the answer they wanted! And we also think it is cool that they were able to decide for themselves, as adults, whether they wanted to get genetic testing done or not.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Etsy-made Elegant, classy angel wings for your little angel...STUNNING!
OMG - These are stunning angel wings for little kids. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM. They are from Etsy story No9DreamLand in Venice, Florida, United States.
The cost is not inexpensive at all but they are the most beautiful angel wings I have ever seen made for children.
What an amazing item to have for Halloween, a portrait. And what an amazing prop for a photographer to have in their studio.
Etsy store address -
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Did you know these Celebrities had a twin?
1. Scarlett and Hunter Johansson:
Scarlett Johansson has a fraternal twin brother who is very involved in politics and "holds-his-own" very nicely in "Beautiful People" contests.
2. Patricia and Gisele Bundchen:
For Patricia Bundchen, it can not be easy being the fraternal twin of to one of the world's most famous super models, Gisele Bundchen. But it seems that she takes it all in stride. She is even her famous twin sis' manager, which is pretty cool for her since she gets a percentage of her sister's average yearly earning of $35 million. NICE.
3. Kiefer and Rachel Sutherland: Keifer's "little sis", by a whole 7 minutes, works as a post-production supervisor in film and television. She has also been Keifer's assistant property master, grip, and costumer when he has been in films and while producing films. She has been very supportive of his film and t.v. career.
Scarlett Johansson has a fraternal twin brother who is very involved in politics and "holds-his-own" very nicely in "Beautiful People" contests.
2. Patricia and Gisele Bundchen:
For Patricia Bundchen, it can not be easy being the fraternal twin of to one of the world's most famous super models, Gisele Bundchen. But it seems that she takes it all in stride. She is even her famous twin sis' manager, which is pretty cool for her since she gets a percentage of her sister's average yearly earning of $35 million. NICE.
3. Kiefer and Rachel Sutherland: Keifer's "little sis", by a whole 7 minutes, works as a post-production supervisor in film and television. She has also been Keifer's assistant property master, grip, and costumer when he has been in films and while producing films. She has been very supportive of his film and t.v. career.
Ashton Kutcher and his fraternal twin brother are close. Ashton was born a healthy baby boy while his twin, Michael was born with cerebral palsy and had to have a heart transplant when he was 13-years-old in order to save his life. While Ashton works in Hollywood, Michael continues to live in Iowa and sells retirement plans.
Giovanni and Marissa are both actors. Giovanni is known for his work as Phoebe's brother, Frank, Jr., on "Friends" and Scarlett Johansson's photographer-husband in "Lost in Translation." Marissa appeared in "Dazed and Confused," "The Brady Bunch Movie," and "Felicity". She is now a clothing line designer and is married to musician Beck Hansen, aka Beck.
6. Jon and Daniel Heder: Identical twins, Jon and Daniel are very close. Jon is known best for his role in the 2004 film "Napoleon Dynamite". and then went on to star in "Just Like Heaven" and "The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang". Daniel, also in film work, has worked as an animator on "Monster House" and is also a partner with his brother in the production company, "Greasy Entertainment."
7. Isabella and Isotta Ingrid Rossellini:
Isabella is a famous model and actress while her sister pursued a teaching career, studying and obtaining her Ph.D in Italian Literature at Columbia University. She taught at Harvard and Princeton. These twins come from famous parents too. Mom is famous icon Ingrid Bergman and dad is legendary Italian director Robert Rossellini. These sisters have had public disputes in the past over family affairs but seem to have let "by-gones be by-gones" these days.
8. Alanis and Wade Morissette:
Alani's fraternal twin is named Wade. He is also a musician, and plays the piano and guitar and and loves yoga. He is now a spokesman for lululemon athletica apparel, were he mixes his love of Yoga and music.
9. Jill and Jacqueline Hennessy:
Both of these sis's are actresses. Jill in the U.S. and Jaq in Canada.
She hosts the current affairs show in Canada called "Medical Intelligence." and also has a background in journalism. In 1988, "Jacq and Jill" (hardi-har-har) were cast in a movie together called "Dead Ringers," where they played twins who were also call girls.
Jaq has also filled Jill's shoes on her show "Law and Order"/"Homicide: Life on the Streets" when Jill was unable to shoot.
10. Vin Diesel and Paul Vincent: Both brothers are in the film business. Vin is an actor and has starred in many movies including The Fast and the Furious. Vin is also a film producer while his brother Paul works as a film editor.

11. Duffy and Katy Ann Duffy:Duffy is best know for her soulful singer and songwriter talents. Her birth name is Aimee Ann Duffy. These twins have a different story then some of the other celebs. They did not grow up together. Similar to the situation of the twins in the movie "Parent Trap", these twin sisters were separated when they were 10 years old when their parents were divorced. Wow is right, although the sisters are in touch today.

Superbowl champion and Pro Football Hall of Famer John Elway had a twin sister. Sadly, Elway's sister Jana passed away in 2002 from lung cancer. Although she was not a smoker, this cancer still took her life. Elway has expressed how devastated he was to lose his twin and he described her "as his closest friend and that she kept him out of trouble growing up."
So, we want to know, how would you feel about being the less "known", less famous twin of these duos? |
Monday, October 10, 2011
Favorite Twin Videos 10/10/11
Some of our favorite Internet Twin videos...
Those crazy twins - LOL. We just love 'um.
Those crazy twins - LOL. We just love 'um.
Which video is your favorite? Is your favorite not here...Share it with us. We'd love to see what we may have missed!
ONE.ORG - Advocating for the end to extreme poverty in the world
I have also included the video clip Selfish Mom refers to in her blog post that the organization ONE recently released called The F Word: Famine is the real Obscenity as well as the link to her post about her thoughts on this video.
(More than 30,000 children have died in just 3 months. Mothers are forced to decide who to feed and who to let die. In 2011? That’s obscene. This is complicated, no-one’s pretending it’s easy – Somalia has been without a functioning government for 20 years – but droughts don’t have to result in famine, just look at Ethiopia and Kenya who have preventative policies in place. There are things that can be done, and if we really believe the life of a child in East Africa is worth the same as the lives of our own children, we have to act.)
And as Selfish Mom says in her blog Post..."The best place to start (in order to help)? You can give people the facts and make them aware of just how dire the problem is. Blog it, tweet it, facebook it, share it. Remind the people in your life that we were unimaginably lucky to be born in a place at a time when our problems are petty compared to much of the world."
Join the fight to help end famine and starvation in
ONE ACT A WEEK 10/9/11
I just read a great Book review on the blog Selfish Mom. It was about the book The boy who Harnessed the Wind. I have heard about this book many times and that it is a very intersting story. The review talks about how great a story it is in explaining the precarious lives of many African families who are always teetering on the edge of drought which in turn leaves them always teetering on the edge of famine and death.
Here is the link to this book review. I plan to download this book on my kindle today. I think it is time I read a first hand account of the effects of famine, it's causes and the experience of those who are able to survive it.
ONE ACT A WEEK 10/9/11
I just read a great Book review on the blog Selfish Mom. It was about the book The boy who Harnessed the Wind. I have heard about this book many times and that it is a very intersting story. The review talks about how great a story it is in explaining the precarious lives of many African families who are always teetering on the edge of drought which in turn leaves them always teetering on the edge of famine and death.
Here is the link to this book review. I plan to download this book on my kindle today. I think it is time I read a first hand account of the effects of famine, it's causes and the experience of those who are able to survive it.
I have also included the video clip Selfish Mom refers to in her blog post that the organization ONE recently released called The F Word: Famine is the real Obscenity as well as the link to her post about her thoughts on this video.
(More than 30,000 children have died in just 3 months. Mothers are forced to decide who to feed and who to let die. In 2011? That’s obscene. This is complicated, no-one’s pretending it’s easy – Somalia has been without a functioning government for 20 years – but droughts don’t have to result in famine, just look at Ethiopia and Kenya who have preventative policies in place. There are things that can be done, and if we really believe the life of a child in East Africa is worth the same as the lives of our own children, we have to act.)
Join the fight to help end famine and starvation in
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